Monday, August 25, 2014

What Art tells to human beings?

"Art is Long, while life is short"

This is one famous proverb that I like the most. The artistic forms stands out for centuries even after the people die. What those people wanted to tell the others who follow them or their next generations is depicted in forms of art. These historical marvels stand as proof of what to do in life and what not to. Visiting places of historical importance, reading books where the characters tell a lot about themselves and life, one thing is clear, everyone wants to leave a message to others.

Life can be joy, pain, sorrow, solitude, happiness, jealousy,  envy, ego , desire on the land, precious diamonds / gold or women.. It is all how we define or draw our lives. Life is an art. God gives us an opportunity to Draw or Paint ourselves. Each of us have the freedom to do anything out of our lives. We can become an arrogant individual or a kind angel in our lives. We have the capability to take the form of any form of energy in the universe.

Human beings today have grown to the height that they have achieved Marvels. The science and technology has grown to the extent that the world has shrunk and there is nothing that a human cannot see in this world. Today there can never be a place that can be named uninhabited.We see every place in this place vwith the help of satellite. But still, there are a lot more the world has to give us, the human beings. The mother nature has her wings spread to accommodate all of us.

These thoughts run through my mind this morning, just wondering what I need to build me in to, or draw out of myself and create an art out of me which can stand as a master piece/ how can I be unique.. What message must I leave to this world.. Though not a greedy desire, but everyone will have this one thought when they start realizing things in life..

This post is just a random flow of bits and pieces of thoughts running in my mind..

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