Sunday, August 24, 2014

My First presentation at my company (August 5, 2009)

My first presenatation @ my company

It was August 5th, thursday morning I had scheduled a meeting with the entire CROCS account of about 50 people. About 20 participated. Offshore team from chennai and bangalore and sridhar from onsite and Narendra Mukkala made their presence. The session went on well. I felt myself fluent in English and confident. I made my points clear, though was a bit fast. This was the comment I received. Reading audience's response is a tactic I need to learn, for which I need to speak with lots of people.

I am not good at writing, and I try writing as I keep blogging. I know some day I will refine in writing. I find writing, speaking and presenting yourself are some of the wonderful skills to posses by anyone who needs to be successful.

I have seen A R Rahmanji feeling shy to speak up in Media during his earlier days. But he gradually came out of it. Penning down all your thoughts will help you think and understand much about yourself and correct yourself where ever necessary.

Asking for feed back: I missed asking for feed back from every one. This is one of the area which I felt I must develop

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