Monday, August 25, 2014

Gokulashtami Celebrations 2014

Gokulashtami or the Janmashtami, the Astami thidhi  of the month of August when the Lord Krishna was born is one of the festivals I love celebrating. No wonder where you are, little Krishna just spread through your mind and wash away all the thoughts. Just telling his name gives happiness which no other thing in this world can give.

Singing his name, I forget myself.. Here are some of the pics of Gokulashtami celebrations this year. I went to Guruvayurappan temple in Madipakkam, dressing My Varshu as Radhai. She really is. A pretty little kid. The Anna over the temple had organised the evnt very beautifully. There was Thalam - Lights Lit in front of the sannidhanam. The idols of the Krihns and Radhai on the swing were well decorated.


There were a group of  women chanting Vishnu Sahasranamam when we entered the temple. The Sannidhanam was closed. The  Thirumeni was Decorating Krishna with Sandal. We waited listening to the slokas being chanted. Varshini got herself busy making friends with other littele Krishnas and Gopikas (I must say, all the Radhas together form the Gopikas).

The event started when this Anna came in front of the dias  explained the Agenda for the evening. He explained as one of the person over there will be the Vasudevar and he will bring the new born krishna from the karagruha (Prison). the little Gopikas and Krishnas will be with him, followed with people chanting Namavalis. It was a wonderful sight watching this happen.When Vasudevar took the little krishna in to sannidhanam, the sannidhi was opened and Guruvayurappan gave darshan as unni krishna or the little new born krishna dressed

Following this event, we had the Uriadi, where every children was given 3 opportunities to break the pot tied on the tree. 2 children broke and they shared the chocolates in it. Following this, was the Kollatam were one radahai and one krishna danced in adjacent surrounding the lights lit in the temple. It was a very beautiful sight to see the kids dance. The event was gracefull. The evening ended with Aarthi of the lord and the Prasadham distribution. Had a wonderful evening!

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