Tuesday, August 26, 2014

My Mehandhi designs

Here are some of the Mehandi designs I made in the hands of people

Gokulashtami special in the hands of  kids
kids wanted flowers, Peacock and Butterfly

Vinayagar Chathurthi celebrations @ Office 2013


Here are the pics of the Vinayagar Chathurthi celebrations in my office. Look at the different types of Vinayakas we made.. Your comments are welcome

Pillayar playing tennis ;)

Utensils Pillayar

CD Pillayar

Pillayar with the leaves

ISKON Temple & Prathyankira Devi temple, Chennai

Hi all,

Again a temple visit within Chennai. 
We planned for a evening trip to the 2 temples which are close to one another.
One- Prathyankira devi temple in the IT expressway linking the OMR and ECR and 
the other- ISKON temple -in the ECR road.

Prathyankira Devi temple , Sholinganallur
The Prathyankira devi temple is situated in the IT expressway linking the OMR and ECR Road. It is very close to the Sholinganallur Signal. There are manu share autos operating from the sholinganallur Signal which will drop you in front of the temple. The temple is visible from the IT expressway. Just 1 minute walk down the street ends in the entrance of the temple. There are lots of shops on either side of the street leading to the temple. You can buy flowers, garlands, Turmeric garland, which is one of the prarthana carried on in the temple.

Straight in front of the temple, one can see Varahi, the devi with the face of Varaham (the boar) were people give the turmeric Garland, offer to the Devi and take it back home. Wlaking into the temple, you can see Vinayagar, Nagas, Akasha Lingam, Maha Kali's very tall statue. In the middle is the Prathyankara Devi temple. There was special pooja carried on as that was Full moon day or the Pournami. We had the darshan of the Devi. There are also sepearte shines for the Gayathri devi, Ayyapan, anchaneyar, Mahalakshmi in the praharam/ the surrounding of the Devi. 

The ISKON Temple
The Iskon temple is the temple of My favourite Lord Sri Krishna. ISKON is a renowned movement across the world. One can hear the chanting,
"Hare Krishna Hare Krishna
Krishna Krishna Hare Hare
Hare Rama Hare Rama
Rama Rama Hare Hare"
as you enter the temple premisis. The Temple has a beautiful palace like structure . There is a marble Cow and its Calf in the centre of the temple.

 There are steps on either side. Left one to enter and the right one to exit the temple. Climbing up the stairs one cannot take eyes off the most beautiful paintings on the walls and the story explaining the same below. There are pictures like this along the walls surrounding the entire big hall. In centre is Lord Krishna beautifully dressed with Radha. To the left are the idols of Krishna and Balarama posing a dance posture and to the Right is the Vittal idols



We had to wait in the centre of the hall awaiting Aarthi. Meanwhile there was a satsangam by one of the preist. He made gave a lecture on the topic of purpose of human life and made us chant the Maha Mantra 108 times giving us a Tulasi garland unitl the Aarthi Began.
We had the aarthi darshan followed by prasad. Had a peaceful evening. There was Book stall and donation stalls along before we got down the steps. It was a divine visit on the whole.

We also had the Anna Prasadam and was back home for the dinner! :)
"Hare Krishna Hare Krishna
Krishna Krishna Hare Hare
Hare Rama Hare Rama
Rama Rama Hare Hare"

Useful Links:
ISKON: http://www.iskconofchennai.org/
This Link gives you the entire details of the temple address, timings contact and other pooja details

Prathyankira devi temple: 

Mysore Trip, May 31 2014

Mysore is one place famous for lot of things. The Mysore Maharaja Palace,Brindavan, Chamundeeswari temple, Lalit Mahal, Mysore Zoo and more. We visited all the above except the Lalit Mahal

We ( Me and My family) reached Mysore by noon around 1 PM by bus. we bought our Lunch and went to the room which we had booked earlier. We had our Lunch in the room and booked a cab to visit the Brindhavan. By the time we went there it was dusk. So we couldn't see the beauty of the gardens. All we could see was the Light and sound show. We walked over a bridge which must be at least a KM long and crowded with people. Walking to the end was a square setup with all pipes. It was just a 10 minute show where we witnessed water dance with all the lightings. It was awesome to watch it dance for the Bollywood songs  like "Nimuda Nimuda"and ended with patriotic songs like Vandematharam and sare Jahan se.

We watched 2 such shows and walked back to the entrance. The day ended well. The next day we planned to visit 3 places before we catch the bus to Ooty.First we headed straight to the Chamundeeshwari temple in chamundi hills. Had a Good darshan of the Devi and took photographs in front of the temple. Also did some shopping through the streets of the temple, had our Break fast and headed towards the zoo. We also witnessed sight seeing spot where our car driver showed us the view of the entire Mysore from the Chamundi hills. He also showed the Big Nandhi.

We went in to the Zoo which was neatly maintained. I really loved the zoo. We could see lot of birds and animals very close to one another in close proximity that we didnt feel that the walk was tiring. Unlike the Zoos of Vandalur which covers long distance, it wasn't tiring. From one horned rhinosorous to Giraffe to elephants, we saw all herbivorous and carnivorous including different types of snakes.

Post visitng the Zoo, we went straight to the Mysore Palace. We did not have enough time to see the palace fully. Still I was awe stuck seeing the paintings in the walls and the dooms. Also it was wonderful seeing the Dias of the King and his Ministers. the Hall was very broad. It was said that the palace became prey of fire sometime and was rebuilt. There were photographs of the royal family and a wax statue of the last king who ruled Mysore.. This much is all that remember now. ( It had been 2 months now). There was Elephant safari and krishna temple by the side of the palace. But we didnt have time to cover all those. we bought our lunch and headed to room, had our lunch by 4 PM , packed and started to Ooty.. A good day and memory it is..!

Monday, August 25, 2014

Gokulashtami Celebrations 2014

Gokulashtami or the Janmashtami, the Astami thidhi  of the month of August when the Lord Krishna was born is one of the festivals I love celebrating. No wonder where you are, little Krishna just spread through your mind and wash away all the thoughts. Just telling his name gives happiness which no other thing in this world can give.

Singing his name, I forget myself.. Here are some of the pics of Gokulashtami celebrations this year. I went to Guruvayurappan temple in Madipakkam, dressing My Varshu as Radhai. She really is. A pretty little kid. The Anna over the temple had organised the evnt very beautifully. There was Thalam - Lights Lit in front of the sannidhanam. The idols of the Krihns and Radhai on the swing were well decorated.


There were a group of  women chanting Vishnu Sahasranamam when we entered the temple. The Sannidhanam was closed. The  Thirumeni was Decorating Krishna with Sandal. We waited listening to the slokas being chanted. Varshini got herself busy making friends with other littele Krishnas and Gopikas (I must say, all the Radhas together form the Gopikas).

The event started when this Anna came in front of the dias  explained the Agenda for the evening. He explained as one of the person over there will be the Vasudevar and he will bring the new born krishna from the karagruha (Prison). the little Gopikas and Krishnas will be with him, followed with people chanting Namavalis. It was a wonderful sight watching this happen.When Vasudevar took the little krishna in to sannidhanam, the sannidhi was opened and Guruvayurappan gave darshan as unni krishna or the little new born krishna dressed

Following this event, we had the Uriadi, where every children was given 3 opportunities to break the pot tied on the tree. 2 children broke and they shared the chocolates in it. Following this, was the Kollatam were one radahai and one krishna danced in adjacent surrounding the lights lit in the temple. It was a very beautiful sight to see the kids dance. The event was gracefull. The evening ended with Aarthi of the lord and the Prasadham distribution. Had a wonderful evening!

What Art tells to human beings?

"Art is Long, while life is short"

This is one famous proverb that I like the most. The artistic forms stands out for centuries even after the people die. What those people wanted to tell the others who follow them or their next generations is depicted in forms of art. These historical marvels stand as proof of what to do in life and what not to. Visiting places of historical importance, reading books where the characters tell a lot about themselves and life, one thing is clear, everyone wants to leave a message to others.

Life can be joy, pain, sorrow, solitude, happiness, jealousy,  envy, ego , desire on the land, precious diamonds / gold or women.. It is all how we define or draw our lives. Life is an art. God gives us an opportunity to Draw or Paint ourselves. Each of us have the freedom to do anything out of our lives. We can become an arrogant individual or a kind angel in our lives. We have the capability to take the form of any form of energy in the universe.

Human beings today have grown to the height that they have achieved Marvels. The science and technology has grown to the extent that the world has shrunk and there is nothing that a human cannot see in this world. Today there can never be a place that can be named uninhabited.We see every place in this place vwith the help of satellite. But still, there are a lot more the world has to give us, the human beings. The mother nature has her wings spread to accommodate all of us.

These thoughts run through my mind this morning, just wondering what I need to build me in to, or draw out of myself and create an art out of me which can stand as a master piece/ how can I be unique.. What message must I leave to this world.. Though not a greedy desire, but everyone will have this one thought when they start realizing things in life..

This post is just a random flow of bits and pieces of thoughts running in my mind..

Sunday, August 24, 2014

My First presentation at my company (August 5, 2009)

My first presenatation @ my company

It was August 5th, thursday morning I had scheduled a meeting with the entire CROCS account of about 50 people. About 20 participated. Offshore team from chennai and bangalore and sridhar from onsite and Narendra Mukkala made their presence. The session went on well. I felt myself fluent in English and confident. I made my points clear, though was a bit fast. This was the comment I received. Reading audience's response is a tactic I need to learn, for which I need to speak with lots of people.

I am not good at writing, and I try writing as I keep blogging. I know some day I will refine in writing. I find writing, speaking and presenting yourself are some of the wonderful skills to posses by anyone who needs to be successful.

I have seen A R Rahmanji feeling shy to speak up in Media during his earlier days. But he gradually came out of it. Penning down all your thoughts will help you think and understand much about yourself and correct yourself where ever necessary.

Asking for feed back: I missed asking for feed back from every one. This is one of the area which I felt I must develop

Bhajan sandhya (Sweet memories)

Bhajan Sandhya
Bhajan Sandhya, as the name suggests is the event of the evening. We OSAC, Old students of Chinmaya perform bhajans, singing in praise of the Lord. The idea of the bhajan sandhya to my knowledge was initiated by our Ganesh anna, a CHYK. He has always encouraged us in all spiritual endeavors. So planned, we started this event in our school, performing on the eve of our Gurudev swami chinmayanandha's Aradhana day.

Bhajan Sandhya 2008- The first initiative

This was our first year and we started preparing with the songs we had sung in the school bhajans. This year's bhajan sandhya comprised of songs for all the Gods. We had Tabla and Mridangam accompanying us. The singers as in below photo ( top row- from left: Thushara, viji, karthikeyan, Ghayathri, Hema sri; Bottom row: Harish with mirudhangam, mukunth, aravind, shobana, srinidhi,Sriram and Raghavan)

Bhajan Sandhya 2009

We have our school at srirangam. It has a neat campus with a hanumanji temple. OSAC can be called as a group of friends/ people of similar age group performing deeds. Though the Goals and objectives are yet to be made specific, the path we have walked so far has been great. Personally, I felt happiness being ONE with them, ONE among them.

Learning- I would say are many. Team work, understanding of every indivudual, respect for every person, patience, punctuality, dedication, and the list prolongs.
It helped me understand more about myself and my role as an OSAC. I had the wonderful opportunity to co-ordinate the event- LOGIN.

LOGIN is the summer camp we enjoy every summer with kids. I must say I became one among the little kids enjoying, singing, dancing with them. Nothing mattered to me. I lost the identity of ME. I was ONE with them.

LOGIN gave wonderful brothers and sisters who are all fun to be with. No words to describe the fun and happiness. I cherish all the moments shared with my friends.

The trips to kollimalai, thiru eengoi malai, thirunelvaeli, thiruchendur, kanyakumari are memorable. Special mention here goes to our Swamiji, Ganesh anna who has been a guide for all of us.

Finding out my Passion

Passion ( Drafted in 2010)

Passion- I always hear people say I am passionate about photography, music, art and so on. What is this passion and what characteristics this passion has? What makes you feel you are passionate about it? What does this passion brings to you?? Many such questions throbs my mind when I hear this word passion.

I just googled to see the responses of passion:

Passion ( from Latin verb patior meaning to suffer or to endure) is an emotion applied to a very strong feeling about a person or thing. Passion is an intense emotion compelling feeling, enthusiasm, or desire for something. The term is also often applied to a lively or eager interest in or admiration for a proposal, cause, or activity or love. Passion can be expressed as a feeling of unusual excitement, enthusiasm or compelling emotion towards a subject, idea, person, or object. A person is said to have a passion for something when he has a strong positive affinity for it. A love for something and a passion for something are often used synonymously.

I am interested in many things. Music, pencil sketching, observing/ admiring art forms. travelling are few of my interests. I am inclided towards more artistic forms. I just forget myself reading historic novles of kalki. I think passion helps a man to know ablut himself. What say?? It helps him discover his likes and dislikes.

My Wall Paintings

Hi All,
Here are the wall paintings I made in my home. Hope you guys like them.

Your comments are welcome!

My Drawings during my school days

Hi Guys,

 Here are some of the drawings made by me during  my school days. Hope you like it. As as always comments are welcome. Have named every pic
The traditional girl

Swami Chinmayanandha

The tiny man from the Irish tales
The cursed children getting wings ( from the Irish tales)

My First Manager (Even he doesn't know that I made his portrait)

The Beautiful signs of Lord Krishna (The peacock feather and the Flute)

The King with the Ears of the donkey (From the irish tales)

Lord Shiva and Parvathi

Lord Ganesh