Wednesday, September 22, 2010

This morning

Today,as usual, I woke up with lots of hope and my routine started. I had my tea, and took a fresh bath. My mom prepared my lunch. As I  had to spend 10 extra minutes in getting ready, I had no time for my breakfast. My mom immediately dropped the breakfast in the tiffin box and packed it too with the lunch. Who can replace a mom! Its always she,sweet and caring.

 I walked hastly to catch my bus. The bus usually arrives by 8:14 am. Walking through the streets full of the smoke and dust from vehicles, I finally reached the bus stop. I was on time and the cab was delayed by 10 minutes due to the traffic.The road was untidy as ever. I was stunned to see a family dressed in rags liying on the pavement of the road. The parents were sleeping fully covered. The children, a boy 2-3 years old and his elder brother who were already awake, were seated on the steps leading to a departmental store.The elder wore rags and his hair was brown and most untidy. The pavement was covered with dirt the younger boy had no dress to wear. He was still playing merrily tieing himself with a blanket. We people talk about several silly things in our life.. I was so ashamed to see people who dont even have their basic needs of life.  All the professionals waiting for their cabs and buses walked across with no notice of them.Few of them even jumped over the pavement to catch the bus. I was astonished to see them sleep in the loud traffic sounds. I dont find sleep at times worrying about simple things.. These people, who dont even have a home, dress worry for nothing..The implied answer of their life was "Whatever happens, Life has to move on"..   Before I could even think any further, my bus arrived and the driver started to horn to wake me up from my thoughts. I boarded the bus with heart so heavy.............

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