Wednesday, September 29, 2010

No Expectations, No disapointments

I wrote the below in my other blog & received the comments below. You can also read & share in your views:

No Expectations, No Disappointments

Author: Righy
29 September 2010 - 9:56

“No Expectations, No Disappointments”- are the words my mom repeats often whenever I say I expect things out of all the work I do. It is quite a hard task not to expect anything back. But I really wonder at the mind set of my mom that she takes things easily even if it is hardest for anyone to digest. I have seen people, who over the years, gaining more experiance be like that.. Though, it is difficult for me, I still try practicing it.

Lets not take this statement in a sense like,we work in office without expecting salary;). This statement will apply only for people who expect more and for any deed done whole heartedly, in a selfless manner. We help our neighbours during their difficulties. We cannot expect the same concern from them.

Categories: Slice of life


smishmi says;

29 Sep 2010 - 10:45
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Very true!!! If we become matured enough and content enough to make ourselves follow this rule - we will indeed be happy… Hats Off to your mom

Nitika Pathak says;

29 Sep 2010 - 11:26
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Agree with ur mom..if we will start following this we will definitely rule atleast our life..not even work wise if we will follow this in our personal life it will be helpful i guess..i will try to implement this in my personal life going forward.

new face says;

29 Sep 2010 - 12:03
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Hi Righy!!!!!!!

Read your article you seems about expecting something,

believe it or not this is my mantra that i have learned from my life

I know that it is very diffcult to accept this fact because one way or other

we expect something or the other from somebody.

One more thing is that in which I strongly believe is “Always Give your Best Shot However be prepared for the worst part also”.

You may feel that i have copied this from the movie “3 Idiots” but sorry

this is my experience till now.

Chirag says;

29 Sep 2010 - 12:05
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True .. I have faced this things very much so now I am used to.

Help somebody in his/her need but very rare chances that we will also get the same from them ..

So better to help because it makes us feel happy but forget it which makes us feel happy in future ..

I am new in bangalore and I was also feeling some expectations when I joined here as I know 3-4 guys here .. but all are in vain .. the latest incident I faced….

flushing out this only made me happy ..

I do agree with you “No Expectations No Disappointments”

Shweta Sanil says;

29 Sep 2010 - 12:20
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So Very True!!

Vivekanand says;

29 Sep 2010 - 12:29
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Wow nice thought…

“Karmanye Vadhikaraste Ma Phaleshu Kadachana” :-

“You have a right to perform your prescribed action,but you are not entitled to the fruits of your action. Never consider yourself the cause of the results your activities,and never be associated to not doing your duty.”

In short - “No Expectations No Disappointments”

Pete says;

29 Sep 2010 - 13:01
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Expectations kills satisfaction.. satisfaction is always on unreachable hierarchy.

Krithika says;

29 Sep 2010 - 13:43
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can’t agree with it’s even better if ppl dont get disappointed in us jus bcos they expected too much.

Righy says;

29 Sep 2010 - 15:03
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Hi guys,

Nice to see your responses. This is a general experience many of us might have had in all our day to day endeavours. and to add to it, Only if we expect back, we get disappointed. So, lets stop expecting and keep doing what our heart says:). We will be happy that way. Shall keep practising the same.

Asha Shanmugam says;

29 Sep 2010 - 15:26
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Simple but true thought…..:)

Though words seem to be simple as it sounds they are really dfficult to practice in life and one who has started practicing them will really find the world a better place to live in…:)

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