Saturday, September 4, 2010

The Lessons

The Lessons

Initially, our school teaches many lessons in various subjects during our childhood. We have thought that only the teacher teaches the lessons. We read them, memorise them and give our tests & move on to the next grade. Now I feel, that has been the pracitse given by our teachers to lead the Life. At many times, we blindly do what has been told to us. Don't we?Have we ever analysed why we do & what benefit we have out of it?? It really does take time. All we need to do is think & analyse things.

But the basic line drawn for all lessons is the same. "Learn, practise and clear the test." Simple na!!?? Just match it to our life. We learn a lot of things in our day to day life. Only few of us practise it.
Those who practise, clear the tests that come across the life and be happy.
Those who doesn practise or forget things fail and create their own sorrow.
The lessons learnt are renamed as " experience". Right!!

 Do these experience bring out the right decesion?
            It depends upon our attitude. Positive attitude gives best lessons.

So the point I make here is, Do we really learn things out of life??
DO we practise and clear our tests??

Lets share our experiences and lessons learnt;

Let me start with one valuable lesson I learnt from one of my friend yesterday.
"Life is a mirror- give & get happiness back"

She has been by classmate from kinder garden till by 10th grade.
People change. Agreed. We understood well each other only a month before.
Sometimes, we interpret the lessons badly in our life. I had not been so good in choice of friends. Also, I didn have the right attitude to take the risk of winning a good friend.So, it is the attitude problem.

My childhood environment was such that I couldn make good friends. It was a month back, we had an opportunity to speak out our thoughts. This gained a good understanding between us. I felt, I had been so reserved. So, the lesson I learnt is " what we see might seem as the right decesion, but It might not be at times" Choose a good friend who can see through for you and help you out. Life will turn out to be wonderful. Hope you got my lesson too.

Happy learning!

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