Saturday, September 4, 2010

Organise your thoughts

Organise your thoughts

"Organise your thoughts"- This is the feedback I got from my Manager when I had a discussion with him. He quoted few occasions where I have made a mess while speaking  in public. Just talking whatever is the flow of thoughts in our mind, might sometimes, mislead people's perception about us. He always says, "People assume things from the way we speak". Ya. Its true. We create the first impression when we speak. What we speak & How we speak matters. It really does matter.

Write before you speak
I feel that writing our thoughts and organising it will help.
  • Writing our speech & reading it once & correcting it ourselves is the first thing one can do to improve.
  • Reading it in front of a mirror to know the looks will help us deliver the speech well.We are our first judge. We will know how it looks.
  • Second, you can speak to a friend for his comments. This will help how the person who hears it will think about our speech.
  • Practise makes a man perfect. So, need to practise a lot!

This is the area am currently working on & please feel free to give your valuable comments. This will really help me develop my skills:)

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