Monday, September 24, 2018

Up above the 7 Hills

Hi All,

Long since I wrote in my page..

I am not sure if I have any followers who read my blogs, but writing makes me re-visit those moments that I cherish and will bring a smile in my face sometime in the future when I may read these again.  Yes... I agree that's selfish. Still, who else can make me happy than myself?! Its always in my hands to be happy. So every time I determine to keep myself happy to my best. Though, like everyone I do have my mood swings, get affected by external disturbances. It takes a lot of control over ourselves and our emotions to keep our MIND in our control.. Too much of philosophy but that's the reality..!

I climbed up the 7 hills after 6 long years. THANKS to MALAYAPPAN(that's how I call HIM) who made it happen as planned (HIS plan). My mom always says, HE (Sri Venkateswara Swamy of the 7 hills) has to decide when HE wishes to give us darshan. Thanks a lot for the wonderful darshan as I noticed many people returned back without darshan of HIM as it was vacation time & there was heavy crowd.
The darshan was planned to be at 1 PM. I actually planned to climb up the hill all by myself, as I know the Lord is always with ME. My cousin said he will also join with me. Happy I was, & we started from  our Tirupaty  home by 6 15 AM and reached Alipiri (the foot hill) by 6: 20 AM. The walk up begin lighting a camphor at the first step. It was first time for my cousin climbing up. He is an athlete & never did  notice him rest. It was me who rested for fraction of minute in few of the steep steps. rest the climb was smooth & we made it up by 9 :15 with a break of about 30 minutes altogether in between, having a couple of Milkshakes (Vanilla flavour- both of ours favourite).

Shiva with the Kitty enroute to the Thirumala


Deers in Thirumala

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