Monday, September 24, 2018

Kamakya Temple

Kamakya Temple

Our trip to Assam begin early in the morning from Chennai & as soon as we reached Guwahati airport, we took a tempo travellor & started ahead to the famous Kamakya temple, marking a wonderful beginning for the trip. It was Friday and there was a huge crowd waiting to have the darshan of the Devi.

It is said that the temple is Sakthi Peetam, one among the places where the parts of Goddess Parvathi fell and is being worshipped with great devotion. As per the myth, Sathi (Parvathi) who went to the Yaga of King Daksha his father, to which God Shiva, her husband was not invited got insulted by her Father & got herself in to the fire of the Yaga, Shiva,with rage started performing the cosmic dance taking the body of Sati & in order to pacify his anger, God Vishnu used his Chakra/ disc and the body of the goddess was cut in to pieces. It is believed that the YONI, or the female genital part has landed in Kamakya temple. For more details on the temple and its history are reference links below

One thing that caught my attention is that I found goats with Garlands and the entire temple was flooding with sparrows.  People pray to leave them  in temple once their wishers are fulfilled..

For more details:

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