Monday, September 24, 2018

Kamakya Temple

Kamakya Temple

Our trip to Assam begin early in the morning from Chennai & as soon as we reached Guwahati airport, we took a tempo travellor & started ahead to the famous Kamakya temple, marking a wonderful beginning for the trip. It was Friday and there was a huge crowd waiting to have the darshan of the Devi.

It is said that the temple is Sakthi Peetam, one among the places where the parts of Goddess Parvathi fell and is being worshipped with great devotion. As per the myth, Sathi (Parvathi) who went to the Yaga of King Daksha his father, to which God Shiva, her husband was not invited got insulted by her Father & got herself in to the fire of the Yaga, Shiva,with rage started performing the cosmic dance taking the body of Sati & in order to pacify his anger, God Vishnu used his Chakra/ disc and the body of the goddess was cut in to pieces. It is believed that the YONI, or the female genital part has landed in Kamakya temple. For more details on the temple and its history are reference links below

One thing that caught my attention is that I found goats with Garlands and the entire temple was flooding with sparrows.  People pray to leave them  in temple once their wishers are fulfilled..

For more details:

Staying Positive needs control of MIND

Day in- day out, we come across different kinds of people. Staying positive is very tough and challenging thing to do. Needs a lot of control over our Mind as I read in a book, "Mind Management is the essence of Life Management".

Self analysis 

To be not affected by external factors is greatest challenge and now I understand that is what the great Indian saints achieved by "Tapas".The calmness in their faces tells it all. Non- materialistic life, detachment, these words.. may 

Love this article on

4 Types of Negative People You Need To Avoid


Below is the link to this article:

Up above the 7 Hills

Hi All,

Long since I wrote in my page..

I am not sure if I have any followers who read my blogs, but writing makes me re-visit those moments that I cherish and will bring a smile in my face sometime in the future when I may read these again.  Yes... I agree that's selfish. Still, who else can make me happy than myself?! Its always in my hands to be happy. So every time I determine to keep myself happy to my best. Though, like everyone I do have my mood swings, get affected by external disturbances. It takes a lot of control over ourselves and our emotions to keep our MIND in our control.. Too much of philosophy but that's the reality..!

I climbed up the 7 hills after 6 long years. THANKS to MALAYAPPAN(that's how I call HIM) who made it happen as planned (HIS plan). My mom always says, HE (Sri Venkateswara Swamy of the 7 hills) has to decide when HE wishes to give us darshan. Thanks a lot for the wonderful darshan as I noticed many people returned back without darshan of HIM as it was vacation time & there was heavy crowd.
The darshan was planned to be at 1 PM. I actually planned to climb up the hill all by myself, as I know the Lord is always with ME. My cousin said he will also join with me. Happy I was, & we started from  our Tirupaty  home by 6 15 AM and reached Alipiri (the foot hill) by 6: 20 AM. The walk up begin lighting a camphor at the first step. It was first time for my cousin climbing up. He is an athlete & never did  notice him rest. It was me who rested for fraction of minute in few of the steep steps. rest the climb was smooth & we made it up by 9 :15 with a break of about 30 minutes altogether in between, having a couple of Milkshakes (Vanilla flavour- both of ours favourite).

Shiva with the Kitty enroute to the Thirumala


Deers in Thirumala

Sunday, September 23, 2018

The Pangong lake

Never did I plan nor did I dream of visiting this nature's beauty.

Nature always surprises me. Of all the places I have visited so far, the moments I spent on the banks of this lake are one among the best. Nature always is the best GIVER. She is always in abundance to GIVE. She is the GOD, She is the best TEACHER, she lives over TIME, she is manifestation of LOVE, KINDNESS. 

This Lake is across India and China. Learnt that the famous climax scene of the movie 3 IDIOTS was shoot here. What an exquisite sight. What a climate?! The lake is salty and covered by Himalayas with its snow clad tips, mesmerising sight...! colors of the lake- TORQUISE  BLUE, COPPER SULPHATE BLUE, and many more.. :) There are few DUCKS sighted on the lake.

Rest the picture will explain it all!


Do I require a Caption!?

Varshu's hat...Alas!!

Our tents!


Spot me.... DUCK

Few Poses

check out the reflection!:)

Getting ready for the day's income

The Marmot

Travelling through the Himalayan ranges, From Nubra Valley to Pangong lake, did I encounter this cute creature- MARMOT!

 The creature native of this locality can be seen in the plains living like rabbit in its borrows.. Peeks out and poses for the cameras:)
calling out for the Shy Marmot. Peeking from its borrow

Yes. I am out of my borrow:)

Selfie with the Marmot!:)

The Pose

How am I?! :);)

Candid Pic please ...!

Nature=Beauty= GOD!

Another Selfie with Nature

River Shlok