Tuesday, May 23, 2017

The one thing that we do without being aware of?

What is that one thing we do right from our Birth without even being aware of?

Of course, we breathe...:);):).

 We may or may not brush, we may or may not bath, we may or may not even eat. But we keep learning all days through our entire life, either we do it knowingly or unknowingly.

The never ending Learning Process.

Browsing internet, surfing, looking at a movie, jogging and watching people move, meeting new people, what is that we do? we learn.

There are usually 4 kinds of people.
1. People who learn looking at others (how to be and how not to be)
2. People who have the common sense to discriminate things on their own, Think and analyse what is right and what is wrong.
3. Few people listen to advice of the elders who have undergone such issues and incorporate the same in their lives.
4. There is this category. Who learn from their own experience. Of all the four Categories, no one will deny that "EXPERIENCE is the best teacher"
5. 6,7... many be many more

"Never Stop learning. Because, Life never stops teaching." is another famous quote.
Every story we hear, every happening, every biography, auto biography, every text (we call as message), every movie tells us a lot of messages. Watching the famous movie Avatar today, i learned a lot of things. Children learn a lot from day one, learn everything as it is as their power of discrimination is not yet functioning. The environment has a greater impact on them.

If they are brought up in good environment, they grow in to good individuals. If kids are brought up in stressful environment or see their parents quarrel, they get a wrong opinion about life. Watching every movie leaves an impact, watching movies with good messages will leave a positive impact, watching horror, tragedy,( I have even seen people cry watching the characters suffer in the move) leaves the impact.

Nothing teaches the lesson greater than PAIN. PAIN does lot of things. Few people fear the pain that will be caused and stop trying. The words PAIN, FEAR and TRY have lots of effect on people's life.
The other side of FEAR is our Success. We need to TRY to overcome FEAR to succeed and the first step that pulls us involuntarily to Succeed is PAIN.

No one wants Pain in life. But everybody encounter pain in sometime of our life which pulls our life and makes it meaningful. So, we have no choice but Experience everything!.

Let me know your thoughts on this leaving a comment please!

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