Sunday, May 21, 2017

Guru Pooja / The devotion towards Mentor

Guru Pooja / The devotion towards Mentor

Guru Bhakthi is one of  the basic quality seen in Indians. We people have this attitude of gratitude. and our culture and traditions are so rich that we respect, devote ourselves to the Guru or Mentor.

We still remember our teachers of our schools. We remember that one teacher who left an impact in us. They have been the building blocks of our characters. They in fact build a society.

"Acharya Devo Bhava"- Let us worship Teacher as God, says Veda.

Especially with respect to the carnatic music world, I am thrilled to see this devotion to the Guru very interesting. It is told that in earlier days students would go to the Gurus' ashram, stay with them, help them with their daily activities and learn the knowledge. Though that is not still in existence, we can still see students who strictly stick to their Gurus, who follow the tradition and sampradaya of Music that has come down through their School of Music. They call it Guru-shishya Parampara, the  Musical family, bringing down the knowledge down the generations.

I am writing this post after visiting the Guru Pooja of  Mirdhangam Vidwan Palani Sri. M.Subramania Pillai.
The event begun with Isaianjali where the Vidwans and their students sang various Classical and devotional songs.

Nanogenarian Mridangam Vidwan Madras Sri. Kannan ( aged 97 years) shared his musical experience with great stalwarts and also presented a wonderful Lecture demonstration. His guru Bakthi and humbleness was very clear in the way he presented the lecture. He mentioned to will have to take more births to learn more and it is because of His Guru's blessings he is sitting among the scholars.

The Special note of thanks to all the students who organize such events that inspire the current generation to take this Guru bhakthi and discipline forward.

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