Tuesday, January 15, 2019

Indian Dance Festival - Mahabalipuram

Mahabalipuram, this place is always my never ending love.

Reading the novel Sivagamiyin sabadam, of Amarar Kalki Krishnamoorthy I always have a unquenching  thirst for this place. I still remember waiting in front of my home by 7 in the morning for the delivery boy who comes in cycle on Wednesdays with the weekly magazine, KALKI.  Never before  did I know that seeing someone, who is nowhere related to you will make you happy. Yes I still remember the face of the delivery boy;). Its all the love for the Novel...

Never had I dreamt that someday I will sing on the same seashore. Though it is after so many centuries of Mahendra pallava finishing his masterpiece, I felt happy setting foot on the seashore where those great Kings who knew ART is long & LIFE is short, lived.They have left behind their signature in this world.. The thought that the great Kings once lived there &  made me feel proud. Understanding our History is a must for everyone. Knowing our people, our ancestors is a must for the current generation. It will make us take pride on ourselves & also gives us the responsibility to safeguard the same.

 It was really a wonderful opportunity for me to sing on this seashore yesterday. Yes. yesterday's evening is one of the best moment for me.

Indian dance festival is conducted every year in Mahabalipuram by the Tamilnadu tourism board & I was lucky to sing for a Bharathanatyam recital of Sri Annai Natiyalaya, Madipakkam. Below are the pics of the event on & stage and the happy moments on the seashore..

With the Guru & students

Back stage

The Girls on the seashore

A special thanks to the dance school & the kids who performed. Mahabalipuram makes me wonder & think of ways & inspire me to find out that one thing by which I can leave my signature behind. people who have read the novel will understand how I feel..:)

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