Tuesday, January 22, 2019

Wednesday, January 16, 2019

Karur Pasupatheeswarar

Karur Pasupatheeswarar

What not to expect on the day of Thiruvaadhirai!:)
Blessed were we on the day of Thiruvadhirai to have the darshan of Pasupatheeswarar.
Listening to the Katha of Mrs. Visaka Hari on the topic RUDRAM last year, I had this deep desire to Visit this Lord, Pasupatheeswarar of Karur. But I didn't think I would be blessed to have his Darshan on this Holy day of THiruvadhirai. It all happened. Shambo Mahadeva!

Tuesday, January 15, 2019

Pongal Celebrations @ Balvihar

The real Happiness is in Giving & Happiness is an independent emotion. It does not depend on any external factor. How many of you agree with me on this??

I sincerely admit that my happiness is completely under my control and no external factor can affect my happiness. I can share my happiness with all & in turn multiply it. Only if I let can someone's action affect me. This has been the quotes of many great people of India like the Buddha, Swami Vivekananda and swami chinmayananda. All the sacred books like Bagavat Geeta also tell the same. But how far we keep that in our Minds & follow it. It takes a lot of patience & self analysis to follow it.. Everytime I get a lesson, I can take it as lesson or Hurt. If it hurts, my growth stops there but if I take it as lesson, I grow from there..

There are always areas of improvement. That's how one can continuously grow. here are the pics of Pongal celebration this year at our Balvihar. the kids in traditional dresses, came with lots of drawings and put the colourful Rangoli. We had kids perform the classical dance- Bharathanatyam & sing classical music. we also cooked Pongal & played the tamil game "Kolai kolaikka mundirika".

Indian Dance Festival - Mahabalipuram

Mahabalipuram, this place is always my never ending love.

Reading the novel Sivagamiyin sabadam, of Amarar Kalki Krishnamoorthy I always have a unquenching  thirst for this place. I still remember waiting in front of my home by 7 in the morning for the delivery boy who comes in cycle on Wednesdays with the weekly magazine, KALKI.  Never before  did I know that seeing someone, who is nowhere related to you will make you happy. Yes I still remember the face of the delivery boy;). Its all the love for the Novel...

Never had I dreamt that someday I will sing on the same seashore. Though it is after so many centuries of Mahendra pallava finishing his masterpiece, I felt happy setting foot on the seashore where those great Kings who knew ART is long & LIFE is short, lived.They have left behind their signature in this world.. The thought that the great Kings once lived there &  made me feel proud. Understanding our History is a must for everyone. Knowing our people, our ancestors is a must for the current generation. It will make us take pride on ourselves & also gives us the responsibility to safeguard the same.

 It was really a wonderful opportunity for me to sing on this seashore yesterday. Yes. yesterday's evening is one of the best moment for me.

Indian dance festival is conducted every year in Mahabalipuram by the Tamilnadu tourism board & I was lucky to sing for a Bharathanatyam recital of Sri Annai Natiyalaya, Madipakkam. Below are the pics of the event on & stage and the happy moments on the seashore..

With the Guru & students

Back stage

The Girls on the seashore

A special thanks to the dance school & the kids who performed. Mahabalipuram makes me wonder & think of ways & inspire me to find out that one thing by which I can leave my signature behind. people who have read the novel will understand how I feel..:)

Friday, January 11, 2019



This place had been in my to do list for a long time. Nerur, place where the Sidhhar, Swami Sadhasiva Brammendral 's Aadheenam is, is a must visit place to quench your thirst for the positive vibes. On the banks of river cauvery is this holy place surrounded by agricultural lands in all sides.
Peaceful place with a vilwa tree below which the siddhar is said to have breathed his last from his Human form.

I made it on 23rd of December 2018. I along with my cousins visited this temple around 12:45 PM.

Who is swami Sadhasiva Brammendral?

Sadhasiva Brahmendral swas born in Thiruvisanallur. He was a profound scholar. the worldy desires and family life had no attaraction for him and this made him go in quest of a guru. He found in Parmasivendra swamigal the proper guru who could guide him and he received training under him. He was so smart that he put to shame those who came to his guru by defeating them in argument and discussion. his guru remarked this attitude of his shisya and thereafter he felt ashamed & took the vow of silence. After getting the pardon from his guru he started to Uncavruthi tour in Coimbatore district.

Once when he was in deep Meditation, seated on river bed of auveri, the flood in the river swept all over the place & buried him. After the flood, months had passed but he was still intact in the sand. The king of Pudukkottai, Vijaya ragunatha thondaiman had great admiration for thei saint & followed him for 8 years and finally received his blessings.

Bramendra owing to his silence vow, wrote his instructions and mantras on sand and thus taught the tondaiman during his discipleship. Even now in  Pudukkottai, the sand on which brammendral wrote is kept guarded.

Finally he reached nerur near Karur towards his last days. He knew the hour of his death and informed his disciples around him. As predicted, he attained samadhi in state of Mauna.

His Works & Compositions:
He has written many advaita works and hymns in praise of advaitha philosophy. Some of them are
Brahma sutra vruthi, Yoga surta vrutti, Advaitha rasa manjari.

Besides these, he is a musically important personality as he has composed some very moving kirtanas in praise of Krishna and other Gods. the songs are all in Sanskrit, clothes in attaractive music, simple and exalted diction.His signature is "Paramahamsa" Some of his popular compositions are

Manasa sanchara re
Bruhi mukundedi
Pibare rama rasam
Bhajare yadunatham
sarvam brammamayam
Chinta Nasthikila

Where is Nerur & How to reach the place?

This place is 30 minutes drive from Karur district of Tamilnadu. Google Map directs you cleanly to this place. It did direct us;)

How is this place?

Simple and calm. The entrance has a temple of Kasi Viswanathar and Visalakshi ambal behind which is the holy Vilwa tree and the Mahasamadhi of the swamigal. This place is calm and open till noon 1 or 1 30 PM. The temple is well maintained with all rare trees within it. There are also separate sannidhis for Vinayagar, Murugan in the temple premises.

Please visit this place sometime and get blessed by the Guru.

"Acharya devo Bhava!"- Let us worship TEACHER as GOD!!!