Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Thought process..!!

I happened to meet my college mate cum colleague after several months. She has been travelling in south India- Hyderabad- Bangalore and Chennai frequently and now has settled down in Chennai. We started discussing about various things during our lunch and tea breaks. We understood several things we had in common, just went back to our college days and wondered how our life has changed!
Taking on more responsibilities, we did realize that we have matured enough to handle big things in life. We both had faced several common scenarios where in we were facing jealousy as a major cause that hinders good relationships. The approach she had for it was really great!
We generally fear people who are jealous upon us. We fear that they may harm us. But she said they could do nothing harmful! She said they are already inside the PIT OF JEALOUSY. THEY CANNOT DIG A PIT FOR YOUR FAILURE. We generally forget that by trying to stop others' growth we stop our growth first. In the time trying to stop other's growth, if we start concentrating on our growth we will grow faster! Once we are out of the pit, and think welfare of others we will lead a happy life. Also is the attitude of helping. Helping your friend expecting that he might help you some other day is not a healthy relationship. Loving unconditionally, helping with no expectations are true symbols of love..! I bet, even unknown people will help you in need for your selfless attitude! You will always be peaceful.

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