Wednesday, August 18, 2010


"Happiness". This is the word that everyone wants at the end of everytask. This is the magic word. The basic expectation of all the living beings in this world is happiness:). Happiness spreads. A simple smile is the symbol of happiness. Dont you agree?? Give a smile to someone you never knew, you get it back and also gain a friendship with it. It costs nothing by smiling but it gives you the most expensive things in the world. Even the animals understand happiness. It is the emotion that all living beings feel and rejoice.

We people see and want happiness in different forms. I feel that it is the human mind set that needs to be tamed for a happy living. Few are happy if they had a puppy.
Is happiness outside us?? Is it present in the things we see, food we taste, music we hear??
Every human has likes and dislikes. Happiness can be defined in many forms
I have a set of questions:
Have you cooked happiness?? Are you a happiness cook??
Happiness can be created?? Do you believe in it??
Are you happy always??
Is happiness a mood to you??

The blog is incomplete without the answers for these questions!! Please comment down the answers and lets discuss on this..
Few tips I follow to make happiness a habit. Might help you as well
1. Make yourself busy that you dont have time to worry about anything
2. Do things of you are passionate.
3. Create happiness for others- You will in turn be happy
4. Smile- spread happiness

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