Wednesday, September 28, 2016

Deva Prayag


Prayag means the place where two rivers mingle together. During our journey through Uttarkhand we witnessed 3 major such Prayags

2.Rudra Prayag
3.Kesav Prayag 


It the convergence of two deva (holy) rivers mingling together, it is said that this place got the named as "Deva Prayag". We had a dip at the point where these two rivers meet.  The two holy rivers – River Bhagirathi and the River Alaknandha meet at this point and from here on, the River is Named “Ganga”. The River Bhagirathi has a greenish color and the Alaknandha river has a White color and we can see both the colors mingle at the juncture.
Alaknandha (left) and Bhagirathi (Right) Meet @ Devaprayag

Hindu Indians take a pilgrimage to such rivers. They call it Theertha Yatra.It is believed that it will help the pilgrims to cleanse their inner selves, wash out their evil tendencies and open up before them a path or a direction for righteous living. They help in attaining Gnana (knowledge) and Bhakthi (Devotion) to the individuals which helps in changing the direction of their future life. It is a place where one can get enlightenment for achieving liberation. Theertha Yatra is also one of the karmas to be discharged in mundane philosophy. A Theertha Yatra is not only a physical act but it also implies the mental or moral discipline and learning toward self-realization. Pilgrimage/Theertha Yatra is remedy for many ills and sufferings. Theertha Yatra is an opportunity to the householder to detach himself for some time from worries and botherations of the materialistic daily life and to devote that time spiritually. To cross the Sufferings and sorrows and attain peace.
Bhagirathi River

Bridge across Alaknandha river leading to the junction

We reached Devaprayag ready to get the holy dip in the river and had to walk along Alaknandha river and cross it by the Bridge leading to the exact junction. The Walk though the Bridge leading to the prayag was awesome. The climate was also cool. Devaprayag lies about 45 miles away from Rishikesh to Badrinath and about 1700 feet above the sea level.

Taking a bath in the holy water, I had to gradually lower in to water as it was freezing cold J. There were people carrying buckets to pour the water on to their heads as few did not get in for the dip. There were chains tied from the steps and walls for the easy & safe bath. One can feel the force of the water as you set foot in the first step where the water starts. Enough to pull a person.
There was a Durga devi temple sighted in the steps. There were also the Pandas (Brahmins) or the priests who were ready to help if one wished to do tharpanam or offerings through Mantras for their ancestors.
The Ganga (After the convergence)
Devaprayag is one of the 108 Divya Desam where The NelaMega Shyama Perumal is standing giving darshan to all his devotees. Devaprayag is also called with the name "Kadinagar"(especially in Tamil). The Goddess (Thayar) is Pundareegavalli Thayar.  You need to climb few steps to reach this temple and as every vishnavite temple this temple also have Sannadhis for Garudar facing the NelaMega Perumal. In the Prdakshina or surrounding you can find Annapoorni devi and Hanuman ji.
Nela Mega perumal Temple- Devaprayag
Temple Premises
The two other Prayags we visited were

Rudra Prayag- Confluence of the Rivers, Alaknandha and Mandhagini 

Kesav Prayag-  Confluence of the Rivers, Alaknandha and Saraswathi

Few Links for more details

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