Wednesday, August 17, 2016

Ayravatheshwarar Temple @ Darasuram

Ayravatheshwarar Temple @ Darasuram

Ayravat is the name of the Elephant that devendran, the King of devas had. It is believed that the Ayravat elephant worshipped Lord shiva in this temple. The Lord shiva is henceforth named Ayravatheshwarar and is seated on a padmam or the Lotus flower. The Basement of the linga is a lotus flower. The sanctum or the Garbagraham is in the form of a Chariot drawn by horses.

                   This temple is located 4km from Kumbakonam and it is popular for its Art & Architecture. This temple is being recognized as world heritage monument by UNESCO. I was really lucky visiting this temple early in the morning of August 15th, the 70th Independence day of India. Very proud to be an Indian and especially a Tamilan. I was really spell bound looking at each & every pillar of this magnificent temple. Had to really rush as we had plans to visit other temples. A day will not be enough to fully enjoy this temple, especially if you are an art lover and also interested in learning the history with a bit of interest in Hinduism. This temple is not only a holy place to worship the Lord in the form of Linga but also a museum of the ancient Tamil Sirpakalai.

  This temple has similar design as the Thanjai Periya koil. As the history states, this temple was constructed by the grandson of the great RajaRajaCholan, Rajarajacholan 2, son of Rajendra Cholan. Standing firm crossing centuries, as a master piece depicting the skills of the Tamil people, I was wondering how BIG those Chola Kings must have thought to construct such wonderful temples.(Lesson learnt: THINK BIG) These are evidences of the artistic treasure and depth of the talent and skill in our genes. How long it must have taken for the people to collect such huge rocks. As history states there were no such rocks in the 100 Km radius of Tanjavur or Kumbakonam. Also, think of the number of the Sirpis (the one who makes Statues on stone) who must have worked in making such master pieces. Every pillar, every stage has lots of details and lot of images relating to various stories in hindu religion.
 The entrance of the Ambal Sannathi Mandapam on either side looks like below:


Below is an interesting art form of the Elephant and Bullock together. Find if the elephant or Bullock has swallowed the other

Find if the Bullock or the Elephant wins?!


Notice the minute designs made in the 12th Century on the rocks! This covers the entire surrounding of the temple premisis

We entered through the street leading to the Ambal (Goddess) temple, as we entered we found people working on the silk threads making silk sarees. Also note, Darasuram is also famous for the silk sarees. Walking along the left side, we found a notice board set up by the archeological survey of India warning people not to exploit the temple and handle it safe. Anyone causing harm will be punished with 2 years imprisonment/ 2 lakh fine or with both.
As we walked through the lawn surrounding the temple maintained neatly with very old trees in between, we saw the Nandhi (Bull, the vahana of the lord Shiva) in front of the temple. Walking few steps down to see the Nandi, there are 7 steps adjacent to Nandi. It was mentioned that the steps will sound like the SaptaSwaras (S R G M P D N). If we throw stones on these steps it will sound like the seven swaras. 
The steps sounding the Saptha Swaras. Great Cholas !!

Entering the temple, we could see another notice board requesting people not to light lamps in places other than designated or apply oil or ghee on pillars. As we enetered the main Gopuram, we saw the mandapam with the Chakras on either side mounted on Elephants looking like a Chariot. Climbing the stairs had lopts of pillars. Each and every pillar had lots of artistic work depicting the hindu gods and their deeds. You can find the goddess Brahan nayaki (Periya Nayaki) in this hall to the left of the God Shiva and as you enter further. There is also a separate temple/Sannidhi for the goddess Devanayaki. 
Ambal temple

This temple also has exquisite art forms. Below are few pictures of the art works that captivated my attention in the temple within the short timing I was in the temple.
The Window structured as 2 Snakes twisted to catch a rat. Do you think is it an easy work?
The elephants and the women in dance poses
Sang the song “Kaapathuve Unathu Bharam- by Thanjai Naalvar” in front of the Ayravatheswarar seeking his blessings and returned back home with my mind filled with awe, divine thoughts and wonder for the Chola Kings. It was said that Darasuram is the later name for Rajarajapuram. He had ruled from here with his military camp (Padai Veedu) on all 4 directions.
The Morning Sun shining on the temple Vimanam
The Pillars with wonderful art works of the Gods & Godesses of the Hindu Religion

தென்னாடுடைய சிவனே  போற்றி ! என்னாட்டவர்க்கும் இறைவா  போற்றி !!

For more detail about the stories, history, temple, more Pictures or Photographs and the Chozha legends refer links below

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