Thursday, November 5, 2015

The Money Plant

The Money Plant

Money plant is a creeper grown widely in residential areas/indoors mainly because it looks decorative and it does not require much care. I liked this plant for no reason and I really think it taught me something.. May be just my analysis or thought process after what happened as it grew in my home....

Bought this plant in a pot and started watering it daily. As it grew, I gave a rope & tied it to my window. As it grew longer(as it is a creeper), many people said it will be a disturbance, but I did not feel like it disturbed anyone. After all it is just a creeper.

As it grew much longer I tied its rope to a nail (Actually a  wall paste ) which fell off. Tried it several times  & it fell every time. So, I let it without disturbance for few days.. It started growing towards the floor.
As it now became strong enough, I tied the rope directly to the stem & now tied it back. One lesson I learnt ( or may be you can say I imagine ) out of it is sometimes it is better we give some time, so that we become strong enough and have clarity to handle things..
Our Inner strength is more important. 

To know about Money plant you can refer:

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