Monday, October 26, 2015

Munda Pahar Beach, Andaman

Munda Pahar Beach, Andaman

Munda Pahar is a serene beach with cool breeze and the sound of the waves buzzing in your ears as a melody. Something about this beach really made my mind calm. Looking at the mountain opposite and enjoying the beauty made me speechless. I just enjoyed walking on the shore with the waves touching my feet with its to and fro movements.

Singing my favorite numbers in my melody play list added to the enjoyment. The climate when I went there was very cool with little drizzle. The uprooted trees lying on the shore added to its beauty. There are tall trees in the shore with seats and swings beneath it. There were not much people around other than few of us. We also played the game Mafia and had fun. I enjoyed the tiny creature which comes out of the shell and walks.. Took it in my had and felt its movement on my fingers. Lots of very tiny pebbles and shells in the shore, had a good time in the beach.

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